Cooking Kids

My sons all love helping in the kitchen. I have found that it's a great way to get them to try things they otherwise wouldn't.  For instance, for the past four or five years Joshua would not eat anything red. Recently, while I was away, Adam took the boys to the grocery store and had them pick out what they wanted to make for dinner. Surprisingly, Joshua picked out a three-cheese spaghetti sauce. (Imagine my shock when they told me this story!) Joshua cooked the sauce and pasta while Isaac steamed a veggie and Ethan set the table. Adam didn't do anything except supervise. When it was all said and done, they happily ate and then excitedly told me what they had done.

When I arrived home, I started using them more in the kitchen. Joshua loves making sauces, (a boy after my own heart!) Isaac enjoys baking and Ethan...Well he's the least picky of my kids and will sample raw bell peppers and onions as I chop them.

I should have started the kids on cooking much younger, but the thought never occurred to me. Kids as young as  two can help with simple things and that's the perfect age to get them involved because they want to be "big" and help out. Capture it when they are young and you'll make a spouse/partner very happy one day!

So, how do your kids enjoy helping in the kitchen? What are their favorite recipes or creations? I'd love to hear what other kids are up to!

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